The Altar Society works to maintain the beauty of the church and of the Mass. Altar Society meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6pm in the Parish Conference Room. Please contact Susan Pizzetta, 228.365.1627, if you have questions.
There are multiple opportunities to praise the Lord with your voice. The adult choirs sing for both the Saturday evening Vigil and the Sunday morning Mass. The children's choir sings once a month. Please contact Cherie Prentiss, 228.365.4017 (call/text) to inquire further.
The Knight of Columbus is an organization for Catholic men. It endeavors to serve the Church and community while building the bond of Christian fraternity. Learn more.
Stella Maris Explorers Club Homeschool Ministry runs a weekly art, faith, and science enrichment program at St. Michael on Thursday mornings. As well as sponsors several events throughout the year like the May Crowning, the Shrimp Boat Workshop, and the All Saints Party. Learn More.
St. Vincent de Paul once said, "I praise God for He is so good as to raise up in this century so many good and holy souls for the assistance of the poor common people." Join our St. Michael SVdP chapter and help those in need in East Biloxi. Learn More.
In addition to the children's choir and the Explorers Club, St. Michael has a yearly Vacation Bible School and children's Christmas Program. All children are welcome to join!
There is always a need for more parishioner involvement. You are invited to grow closer to Christ and your parish family through service.