Our new Shrimp Queen 2023
Miss Elizabeth Wetzel and her
King Wally Gollott.
On Sale at the Biloxi Visitors Center or at St Michael Catholic Church
Congratulations to all the contestants in the 2023 Shrimp Queen Pageant.
Captain Justin
Captained by Justin Nguyen
Gun Smoke
Captained by Frank Parker
Bayou Belle
Captained by Shawn Senseney
Winning poster artist, Amber Trochesset signs posters at the unveiling on May 10th.
Amber's ties to the shrimping industry go back many generations and we are so pleased with this year's poster!
Congratulations Amber!
A ceremonial blessing, given by a local Catholic priest, marks the beginning of the shrimp fishing season. Even though it had its origins in ancient times in Europe, the first Blessing of the Fleet in the Biloxi Bay was given in 1929, and now takes place annually in a colorful procession in the Mississippi Sound.
The ceremony begins with the dropping of an evergreen wreath into the Sound in remembrance of fishermen who have been lost at sea. Then a procession of more than 30 shrimp boats files past the anchored “Blessing Boat” where the officiating priest stands, sprinkling holy water on each of the boats and giving a blessing for each one, asking a safe and prosperous fishing season.
2024 Blessing of Fleet
Poster unveiling June 5, 2024, 6pm Family Life Center-St. Michael
Deceased Fishermen's Mass July 3, 2024, 6pm St. Michael
Blessing of the Fleet Mass July 6, 2024, 4pm St. Michael
Coronation of 2024 Shrimp King and Queen July 6, 2024, 6pm Croation Cultural Center
Blessing of the Fleet & Fais Do-do Sunday, July 7, 2024, 10am - 4 pm, Harrah's Great Lawn